This is a new solo project I am working on. I am based out of Miami, FL. The music is based off of Punk Rock, Noise, Improvisation, and snotty vocals (There is form in the music). It consists of a drum beat, taped down keys on a keyboard with effects, guitar, and vocals. My ideas for the music is to have a constant beat and drone going throughout the whole song; Since I am limited to only 2 things going on in the music, It forces me to think a lot differently of structure and color within the music. And since I am not interacting with anyone else I have to tap into deeper thoughts for creativity and I can do what I please.
And as I mentioned earlier that the keys are taped down; I purposely tape down one key, for example C. Then all the melodies and chords I play will then revolve around that one note. So I will be doing a collection of "Hopefully" 12 songs (for all the ascending notes in music). C C# D D# E F F# G G# A Bb.
I will be doing all the album packaging and art work myself. At the moment they will be in limited numbers just because I have to do all the work myself. The picture above are the CD's being designed.
If you are interested in a handmade CD, email me at Teepeeasel@gmail.com
Teepee Official Website
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